
  • Aug-24: New paper accepted to Journal of Computers and Electronics in AgricultureChannel Randomisation: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Reliable Visual Anomaly Detection in Specialty Crops.

  • Aug-24: Two-year project funded by SSARE — MoCoBot: Developing a Low-Cost Night-time Mollusk Control Robot for Strawberry Growers.

  • May-24: New paper accepted to CASE2024DAVIS-Ag: A Synthetic Plant Dataset for Prototyping Domain-Inspired Active Vision in Agricultural Robots.

  • Dec-23: Two papers accepted to EAAI-24 within AAAI-24! — (1) Improving Visual Accessibility with a Deep Encoder-Decoder Image Corrector For Color Vision Deficient Individuals and (2) “Allot?” is “A Lot!” Towards Developing More Generalized Speech Recognition System for Accessible Communication.

  • Sep-23: New short paper accepted to the WARS workshop at IROS2023! — DAVIS-Ag: A Synthetic Plant Dataset for Prototyping Domain-Inspired Active Vision in Agricultural Robots.

  • Aug-23: Dr. Taeyeong Choi starts as a new Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Information Technology, leading the LaSER laboratory at Kennesaw State University!